Here on the mountain a large part of our population's income comes from self-owned small businesses. Here are some good reasons to think about keeping your money up here where you live.
1. A significantly larger amount of money re-circulates in the White Mountain Area.When purchasing at locally owned businesses, more money is kept where it belongs, in your community! This is because these businesses will most likely buy from other businesses which are locally owned. So in turn we are growing each others businesses as well as our local tax bases.
2. Local Charity and Non-Profit groups receive more support.
3. Most new jobs are created by locally owned businesses.
4. Customer service almost always seems to be better.
5. Local Business owners invest in the community , are more likely to stay, and invest in the communities future.
6. Competition and diversity give the consumer more options.
7. More jobs are created by local businesses.
8. For every $100 spent locally, $68 returns to the community through taxes, pay roll and other expenditures. Non-local only $43 returns and internet shopping $0 returns.
9. If half the employed population spent $50 each month in locally owned independent businesses, it would generate more than $42.6 billion in revenue. Imagine the positive impact if 3/4 the employed population did that.
10. You matter more to a local business. What you have to say, how you are treated, your requests and services are more likely to be heard and followed through with than if you go with a big-box chain store.